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Thomas Salzano: Best Travel Hacks and Travel Tips

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You will find so many articles and blogs related to travel hacks and tips related to travel on the internet. The reason behind such articles is that people look for this type of information and on the other hand famous bloggers and travelers like Thomas Salzano have experienced the need for such hacks to be shared.

The travelers should be aware of the hacks that can help them manage a situation using the hack. Some travel hacks like using the USB input on the back of the hotel TV is great to hack when your changer is not working, to carry a universal adapter is a great tip for travelers as not all switchboards are the same as in your country.

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Other than these tips and hacks the information about the import apps that you must install before traveling is equally important like Google maps offline, currency converter and communication apps namely Whatsapp and Skype. Make space for these apps beforehand so that you do not have to delete some important stuff later during the trip.